Größe 1,77cm
Telefon +49 1511 780 55 76
Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch (fließend), Spanisch (fließend), Portugiesisch (fließend), Französisch (GK)
Dialekte Pfälzischer (Erstsprache), Bayerisch (abrufbar) und Badisch (abrufbar), Hamburgisch Norddeutsch
Gesang Bass
Instrumente Schlagzeug, Percussion, Grundkenntnisse Klavier
Besondere Fähigkeiten Einrad fahren, Fußball, Tennis, Salsa tanzen, Schlittschuh laufen, Skaten, Robot Dance, Live-Cam
Musikalische Leitung: Johannes Harneit
Inszenierung: Mart van Berckel
Bühne und Licht: Vera Selhorst
Kostüme: Joris Suk
Dramaturgie: Janina Zell
The conspiratorial waiter. Scenes include slow motion movement, dance and various atmospheric and mood changes with 80% onstage presence of the play. Also Live-Camera action within role.
Premier 05.01.23 at Staatsoper Hamburg
Stand-in for different roles
13.10.22 - 5 scenes as Bodyguard with two dancing parts
08.10.22 - 7 scenes with little text as Paparazzi and LIVE-CAM + role as electrician
03.10.22 - 5 scenes as Bodyguard with one dancing part
30.09.22 - 5 scenes as Bodyguard with two dancing parts
27.09.22 - 5 scenes as Bodyguard with one dancing part
Performer in Olivier Messiaens `Saint François d'Assise` at Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
all shows canceled due to Corona-crisis (3 shows in Mai 2020)
Actor in Verdis `Nabucco` by Kirill Serebrennikov at Staatsoper Hamburg
Season 2019/2020
1st role
UN-Bodyguard. Including choreographic, dance and comedy performances. (6 shows 2019, 5 shows 2022)
2nd role
Double for lead character Ismael including love scenes. Couple dance scenes with lead character Abigaile. Comedy performances. (1 show 2019)
Journalist with live camera and short speaking part +a craftsman scene.
Extra in Richard Wagners `Parsifal` by Achim Freyer at Staatsoper Hamburg
Kraal knight with choreographic performance based on Nō-Theatre approaches.
Long slow motion movements and a slow motion spear fight scene. (1 Show 2019)
2nd role:
Double for lead character Amfortas, getting seduced, tricked and wounded by Kundry.